انتشارات Mcgraw Hill Book, Inc.

Quantum field theory
Claude Itzykson, 1987
Quantum field theory
Claude Itzykson, 1980
Quantum Field Theory
Claude Itzykson Jean Bernard Zuber, 1980
Heat transfer
J. P Holman, 1986
Calculus of Variations, With Applications to Physics and Engineering
Robert Weinstock, 1952
Quantum mechanics
Leonard I Schiff, 1949
An Introduction to Paleobotany
Chester A. Arnold, 1947
Basic Wing and Airfoil Theory, 1st Ed.
Alan Pope, 1951
Convex Sets
Frederick A. Valentine, 1964
Electromagnetic fields and relativistic particles
Emil Jan Konopinski, 1981
Electromagnetic Fields and Relativistic Particles
Emil Jan Konopinski, 1981
Functional Analysis
Walter Rudin, 1973
Heat Transfer: A Basic Approach
Ozisik M. Necati, 1985
Higher Mathematics for Engineers and Physicists
Ivan S., 1941
Hypersonic and high temperature gas dynamics
John David Anderson, 1988
Hypersonic and High Temperature Gas Dynamics
John David Anderson, 1988
Technique of microwave measurements
CG Montgomery, 1947
Charles Kittel, 1973
Mechanics (Berkeley Physics Course, Vol. 1)
Charles Kittel, 1973
Solutions Manual to Mechanics
Charles Kittel, 1973
Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers Solutions Manual
Theodore Baumeister, 1978