انتشارات Mcgraw Hill Book Comp.

The Nature of Physical Reality. A Philosophy of Modern Physics
Henry Margenau, 1950
The Physics of Metals
Seitz F., 1943
The Structure of Line Spectra
Linus Pauling, 1930
The Theory of Functions of Real Variables
Lawrence M Graves, 1946
Life With Picasso
Pablo Picasso, 1964
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Applications to Organic Chemistry
John D. Roberts, 1959
Introduction to chemical physics
John C Slater, 1939
Introduction to set theory
J. Donald Monk, 1969
Introduction to Set Theory (International Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics)
J. Donald Monk, 1969
Operational Amplifiers: Design and Applications
Gene E. Tobey, 1971
Operational Mathematics
Ruel V. Churchill, 1972
Quantum Mechanics And Path Integrals
R. P., 1965
Statistical Physics: Berkeley Physics Course, Vol. 5
F. Reif, 1967
The letter of Petrus Peregrinus on the magnet, A.D.1269
Petrus Peregrinus de Maharncuria, 1904
Powder Method in X-Ray Crystallography
Leonid V. Azaroff, 1958
Robotics: Control, sensing, vision, and intelligence
K. S. Fu, 1987
Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Finite Mathematics
Seymour Lipschutz, 1966
Principles of Mathematics. Second edition.
ALLENDOERFER, Carl Barnett, 1963
Principles of Mathematics. Second edition.
ALLENDOERFER, Carl Barnett, 1963
Quality Control Handbook
J.M. Juran, Frank M. Gryna, R.S. Bingham, 1974
Total quality control: engineering and management
A.V. Feigenbaum, 1961
Business Management Handbook
J.K. Lasser, 1952
Outlines of marketing
Hugh E. Agnew, Harold A. Conner, William L. Doremus, 1950