انتشارات Mcgraw Hill Education Llc

Achieving Competencies For Nursing Practice: a Handbook For Student Nurses
Webster, Brian; Reading, Sheila, 2014
Person-Centred Communication: Theory, Skills And Practice
Motschnig, Renate; Nykl, Ladislav, 2014
Personal And Professional Development For Counsellors, Psychotherapists And Mental Health Practitioners
McLeod, John; McLeod, Julia, 2014
An introduction to applying social work theories and methods
Teater, Barbra, 2014
Design of analog CMOS integrated circuits
Razavi, Behzad, 2001
Hacking electronics: an illustrated DIY guide for makers and hobbyists
Monk, Simon, 2013
Handbook of small electric motors
Yeadon, Alan W.; Yeadon, William H, 2001
Make your own PCBs with EAGLE: from schematic designs to finished boards
Monk, Simon, 2014
Programmable logic controllers: industrial control
Kamel, Eman; Kamel, Khaled, 2013
Programming and customizing PIC micro microcontroller
Predko, Myke, 2008
Schaum's outline of digital signal processing
Hayes, Monson H, 2012
The Hospital Neurology Book
Arash Salardini, Jose Biller, 2016
Resumes for Computer Careers
McGraw-Hill editors, 2008
The Handbook of Fixed Income Securities
Frank J. Fabozzi, S. V. Mann (eds.), 2012
Electric Motor Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Augie Hand, 2011
Human Physiology
Stuart Fox, 2015
Schaum’s Outline of Computer Graphics
Zhigang Xiang, Roy A. Plastock, 2000
Essentials of Contemporary Management
Gareth R. Jones, Jennifer M. George, 2014
M. Information Systems
Paige Baltzan, 2017
Introductory Algebra with P.O.W.E.R. Learning
Sherri Messersmith, Lawrence Perez, Robert Feldman, 2013
Fundamentals of Structural Analysis
Kenneth M. Leet, Chia-Ming Uang, Joel T. Lanning, Anne M. Gilbert, 2018
Dissolved Air Flotation For Water Clarification
James Edzwald, Johannes Haarhoff, 2011