انتشارات Mercer University Press

International Kierkegaard Commentary Volume 6: Fear and Trembling and Repetition
Robert L. Perkins (Editor), 1993
International Kierkegaard Commentary, vol 3 Either/Or Part I
Robert L. Perkins (ed), 1995
International Kierkegaard Commentary, vol 4 Either/Or Part II
Robert L. Perkins (ed), 1995
The Story of Telecommunications
George P. Oslin, 1992
Between War and Peace : Woodrow Wilson and the American Expeditionary Force in Siberia, 1918-1921
Carol Wilcox Melton, 2001
The Revolution Of The Candles: Christians In The Revolution Of The German Democratic Republic
Jörg Swoboda; Jorg Swoboda, 1996
Paradise Lost. The Biblically Annotated Edition
John Milton; Matthew Stallard, 2011
Vale of Tears: New Essays on Religion and Reconstruction
Edward J. Blum, 2005
The Streets of Heaven: The Ideology of Wealth in the Apocalypse of John
Robert M. Royalty, Jr., 1998
International Kierkegaard Commentary: Early Polemical Writings
Robert L. Perkins (ed), 1999
The Streets of Heaven: The Ideology of Wealth in the Apocalypse of John
Robert M. Royalty, Jr., 1998