انتشارات Microsoft Press,

Windows Phone 7 development internals: Covers Windows Phone 7 and Windows Phone 7.5
Andrew Whitechapel, 2012
Windows Phone 7 Development Internals: Covers Windows Phone 7 and Windows Phone 7.5
Andrew Whitechapel, 2012
Windows Phone 8 Development Internals
Andrew Whitechapel, Sean McKenna, 2012
Laptops and Tablet PCs with Microsoft Windows XP Step by Step: Keep in Touch and Stay Productive--At Work, At Home, and On the Go!
Andrew Fuller, Ravipal Soin, 2004
C♯ for Java Developers
Allen Jones; Adam Freeman, 2010
C# for Java Developers
Allen Jones, Adam Freeman, 2003
C# Programmer's Cookbook
Allen Jones, 2003
Inside Microsoft SharePoint 2010
Ted Pattison, Andrew Connell, Scot Hillier, David Mann, 2011
Inside Microsoft SharePoint 2010
Ted Pattison, Andrew Connell, Scot Hillier, David Mann, 2011
Inside Microsoft SharePoint 2010
Ted Pattison, Andrew Connell, Scot Hillier, David Mann, 2011
Inside Microsoft SharePoint 2013
Scot Hillier, Mirjam van Olst, Ted Pattison, Andrew Connell, Wictor Wilen, Kyle Davis, 2013
Inside Microsoft SharePoint 2013
Scot Hillier, Mirjam van Olst, Ted Pattison, Andrew Connell, Wictor Wilen, Kyle Davis, 2013
Inside Microsoft SharePoint 2013
Scot Hillier, Mirjam van Olst, Ted Pattison, Andrew Connell, Wictor Wilen & Kyle Davis
Inside Microsoft SharePoint 2013
Scot Hillier, Ted Pattison, Mirjam van Olst, Andrew Connell, 2013
Microsoft SharePoint 2013 App Development
Scot Hillier, Ted Pattison, 2013
Microsoft SharePoint 2013 App Development
Scot Hillier, Ted Pattison, 2013
Microsoft SharePoint 2013 App Development
Scot Hillier, Ted Pattison, 2013
Microsoft SharePoint 2013 App Development
Scot Hillier, Ted Pattison, 2013
CLR via Csharp
Richter, 2010
CLR via Csharp 3rd Edition
Jeffrey Richter, 2010
Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Inside Out
Darvish Shadravan, Penelope Coventry, Thomas Resing, Christina Wheeler, 2013
Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Inside Out
Darvish Shadravan, Penelope Coventry, Thomas Resing, Christina Wheeler, 2013
Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Inside Out
Darvish Shadravan, Penelope Coventry, Thomas Resing & Christina Wheeler
Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Inside Out
Darvish Shadravan, Penelope Coventry, Thomas Resing, ChristinaWheeler, 2013