انتشارات Mir

Problems in Physics
V. Zubov, 1985
Problems in Physics
VG Zubov, 1974
Problems in Physics
A. A. Pinsky, 1980
Problems in Plane Geometry (Science for Everyone)
I. F. Sharygin, 1988
Proof in Geometry (Little Mathematics Library)
A.I. Fetisov, 1978
Flying Trains (Science For Everyone)
G. Zelkin, 1986
Mathematical logic
Ershov Yu. L., 1984
Me or Not Me (Science for Everyone)
R. V. Petrov, 1987
A. N. Matveev, 1988
Problems in Differential Geometry and Topology
A S Mishchenko, 1985
Discussions on refractions of light (Science for everyone)
L. V Tarasov, 1984
Observaciones del cielo estelar
Dagáiev, M.M, 1991
Algebra lineal y algunas de sus aplicaciones
Goloviná, L.I, 1983
Human anatomy
Bushkovich, Viacheslav; Lisenkov, Nikolai; Prives, Mikhail, 1985
Análisis matemático en preguntas y problemas
Butúzov, V.F, 1989
Curso de astronomía general
Bakulin, P. I.; Moroz, V. I.; Kononovich, E. V., 1992
Algebra vectorial en ejemplos y problemas
Petr B. Gusjatnikov, 1988
Areas y logaritmos.
Markushevich, A. I., 1986
Algunas aplicaciones de la mecánica a las matemáticas
Uspenski, V. A., 1984
Analisis vectorial
Kissélev, A. I., 1981
Linear Algebra: Problems Book
H.D. Ikramov, 1983
Quantum Mechanics
Arsenii A. Sokolov, 1984
Atlas de anatomia normal humana.
Liphenko, V. Ya, 1986