انتشارات Monash University Publishing

Australians in Italy: Contemporary Lives and Impressions
Bill Kent, Ros Pesman, Cynthia Troup, 2010
Knowing Indonesia: Intersections of Self, Discipline and Nation
Jemma Purdey, 2012
Breaking the Silence: Survivors speak about 1965-66 violence in Indonesia
Putu Oka Sukanta, 2014
Truth Will Out: Indonesian Accounts of the 1965 Mass Violence
Baskara T Wardaya, 2013
Making Them Indonesians: Child Transfers out of East Timor
Helene van Klinken, 2012
The Two Frank Thrings
Peter Fitzpatrick, 2012
The Hanged Man and the Body Thief: Finding Lives in a Museum Mystery
Alexandra Roginski, 2015
Digital Divas: Putting the Wow into Computing for Girls
Julie Fisher, Catherine Lang, Annemieke Craig, Helen Forgasz, 2016
Slow Catastrophes: Living with Drought in Australia
Rebecca Jones, 2017
A Companion to Philosophy in Australia and New Zealand: Second Edition
Graham Oppy; N.N. Trakakis, 2014
Antipodes: In Search of the Southern Continent
Avan Judd Stallard, 2016
Basudara Stories of Peace from Maluku: Working Together for Reconciliation
Jacky Manuputty (Editor), Hilary Syaranamual (Editor), 2017
Elections Matter: Ten Federal Elections that Shaped Australia
Frank Bongiorno; Benjamin T. Jones; John Uhr, 2018
Double-Act: The Remarkable Lives and Careers of Googie Withers and John McCallum
Brian McFarlane, 2015
Banksia Lady: Celia Rosser, Botanical Artist
Carolyn Landon, 2015
Embodying Transformation: Transcultural Performance
Maryrose Casey, 2015
Manga Vision: Cultural and Communicative Perspectives
Sarah Pasfield-Neofitou, Cathy Sell, Queenie Chan, 2016
Contemporary Australian Political Party Organisations
Narelle Miragliotta, Anika Gauja, Rodney Smith (eds.), 2015
Knowledge and Global Power: Making New Sciences in the South
Fran Collyer, 2018
A Secret Australia: Revealed by the WikiLeaks Exposés
Felicity Ruby, 2020
Unmasked: the Politics of Pandemics
Bowtell, Bill;, 2021
The Battlefield of Imperishable Memory: Passchendaele and the Anzac Legend
Matthew Haultain-Gall, 2021
Labor People: The Stories of Six True Believers
Chris Bowen, 2021
Big: The Role of the State in the Modern Economy
Richard Denniss, 2022