انتشارات Monthly Review Press

Four Lectures on Marxism
Paul M. Sweezy, 1981
Labor and Monopoly Capital: The Degradation of Work in the Twentieth Century
Harry Braverman, 1975
On the Transition to Socialism
Paul Sweezy
Socialism in Cuba
Leo Huberman, 1970
On Art and Literature: Critical Writings by José Marti
Philip S. Foner, 1983
The necessity of social control
Istvan Meszaros, 2015
Imperialism in the Twenty-First Century
Smith, 2016
Faltering Economy
John Bellamy Foster, 1984
Fanshen: A Documentary of Revolution in a Chinese Village
William Hinton, 1966
Fighting Two Colonialisms
Stephanie Urdang, 1979
Freedom and Determination in history according to Marx and Engels
Joseph Ferraro, 1992
From Rousseau to Lenin: Studies in Ideology and Society
Lucio Colletti, 1973
From Solidarity to Sellout
Tadeusz Kowalik, 2012
From Solidarity to Sellout
Tadeusz Kowalik, 2012
From Solidarity to Sellout
Tadeusz Kowalik, 2012
Garrison Guatemala
George Black, 1984
Global Imperialism and the Great Crisis: The Uncertain Future of Capitalism
Ernesto Screpanti, 2014
Haiti: State Against Nation
Michel-Rolph Trouillot, 1990
Hawaii, islands under the influence
Noel J. Kent, 1983
Humanitarian Imperialism: Using Human Rights to Sell War
Jean Bricmont, 2007