انتشارات Motilal Banarsidass

The doctrine of the Buddha: the religion of reason and meditation
George Grimm, 1958
The Emptiness of Emptiness: An Introduction to Early Indian Madhyamika
C.W. Huntington, 2003
The Kāpālikas and Kālāmukhas, two lost Śaivite sects
David N. Lorenzen, 1991
The Kapalikas and Kalamukhas: Two Lost Saivite Sects
David N. Lorenzen, 1991
The Literature of the Personalists of Early Buddhism
Bhikshu ThIch Thien Chau, 1999
The Path to Awakening: A Commentary on Ja Chekawa Yeshe Dorje's - Seven Points of Mind Training
Shamar Rinpoche &, 2011
The Philosophy of Nagarjuna
Vicente Fatone, 1981
The philosophy of Nāgārjuna
Vicente Fatone, 1991
The Rise of Esoteric Buddhism in Tibet
Eva M. Dargyay, 1998
The Vimalakirti Sutra: From the Chinese Version by Kumarajiva
Kumarajiva, 1999
The Vinasikhatantra: A Saiva tantra of the left current
Teun Goudriaan (ed., 1985
The Yoga of Kashmir Shaivism: Consciousness is Everything
Shankarananda Swami, 2006
The Yogacara Idealism
Ashok Kumar Chatterjee, 1987
Three Hundred Important Combinations
Bangalore Venkata Raman, 2010
Tibetan-English dictionary with Sanskrit synonyms
Two Sources of Indian Asceticism
Johannes Bronkhorst, 1998
Two Traditions of Meditation in Ancient India
Johannes Bronkhorst, 1993
Vedic Mathematics
Śrī Bhāratī Kŗşņa Tīrtha Mahārājā, 2000
Wörterbuch zum Rig-Veda
Hermann Grassmann, 1999
Yogins of Ladakh : Pilgrimage Among the Hermits of the Buddhist Himalayas
John H. Crook, 1997