انتشارات Mouton De Gruyter

The Typology of Motion Events: An Empirical Study of Chinese Dialects
Carine Yuk-man Yiu, 2013
The Indigenous Languages of South America: A Comprehensive Guide
Lyle Campbell, 2012
The Pipil Language of El Salvador (Mouton Grammar Library, 1)
Lyle Campbell, 1986
The Dialects of Irish: Study of a Changing Landscape
Raymond Hickey, 2011
A Matter of Complexity Subordination in Sign Languages
Ed. by Pfau, 2016
Theories and Models of Communication
Peter Schulz, 2013
Tense and Aspect in Han Period Chinese
Barbara Meisterernst, 2014
A Grammar of Kulina
Stefan Dienst, 2014
A Grammar of Mian
Sebastian Fedden, 2011
Information Structure in Indigenous Languages of the Americas
José Camacho, 2010
Techniques of satire : the case of Saltykov-Ščedrin
Draitser, Emil, 1994
Linguistic Typology
Paolo Ramat, 1987
Negative Sentences in the Languages of Europe: A Typological Approach
Giuliano Bernini, 1996
Speech Acts Across Cultures: Challenges to Communication in a Second Language
Susan M. Gars, 2006
Typology and Second Language Acquisition
Anna Giacalone Ramat (ed.), 2002
Interpersonal pragmatics
Miriam A Locher, 2010
Preposition Stranding: From Syntactic to Functional Analyses
Ken-ichi Takami, 1992
A Grammar of Basque
José Ignacio Hualde, 2003
Polysemy. Flexible Patterns of Meaning in Mind and Language
Brigitte Nerlich, 2003
What Is CVCV and Why Should It Be?
Tobias Scheer, 2004
Lexical and Structural Etymology
Robert Mailhammer, 2013