انتشارات Mouton De Gruyter

Language and Space: Volume 3 Dutch
Frans LMP Hinskens (editor); Johan Taeldeman (editor), 2013
Sprache - Kultur - Kommunikation / Language - Culture - Communication: Ein internationales Handbuch zu Linguistik als Kulturwissenschaft / An International Handbook of Linguistics as a Cultural Discipline
Ludwig Jäger (editor); Werner Holly (editor); Peter Krapp (editor); Samuel Weber (editor); Simone Heekeren (editor), 2016
On Voice in the English Verb
Jan Svartvik, 1985
The Squamish language, II: Grammar, texts, dictionary
Aert H. Kuipers, 1969
La place de l'adjectif en italien moderne
A. G. Sciarone, 1970
Automatische syntaktische Analyse englischer nominaler Gruppen
Lilo Moessner, 1973
Dynamics of Contact-Induced Language Change
Claudine Chamoreau, 2012
The Yugoslav Community of Nations
Frits W. Hondius, 2018
English in Europe. Volume 4 Using English as a Lingua Franca in Education in Europe: English in Europe: Volume 4
Zoi Tatsioka (editor); Barbara Seidlhofer (editor); Nicos C. Sifakis (editor); Gibson Ferguson (editor), 2018
Valency Classes in the World’s Languages: Volume 2 Case Studies from Austronesia, the Pacific, the Americas, and Theoretical Outlook
Andrej Malchukov (editor); Bernard Comrie (editor), 2015
Towards a New Standard: Theoretical and Empirical Studies on the Restandardization of Italian
Massimo Cerruti (editor); Claudia Crocco (editor); Stefania Marzo (editor), 2017
Valency Classes in the World’s Languages: Volume 1 Introducing the Framework, and Case Studies from Africa and Eurasia
Andrej Malchukov (editor); Bernard Comrie (editor), 2015
Grammaticalization Scenarios: Volume 1 Grammaticalization Scenarios from Europe and Asia
Walter Bisang (editor); Andrej Malchukov (editor), 2020
English in Europe: Volume 3 English-Medium Instruction in European Higher Education
Slobodanka Dimova (editor); Anna Kristina Hultgren (editor); Christian Jensen (editor), 2015
English in Europe: Volume 3 English-Medium Instruction in European Higher Education
Slobodanka Dimova (editor); Anna Kristina Hultgren (editor); Christian Jensen (editor), 2015