انتشارات Mouton Gruyter

Annual Review of South Asian Languages and Linguistics: 2007 (Trends in Linguistics)
Rajendra Singh, 2007
Nietzsche and early German and Austrian sociology
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 2007
Nietzsche and early German and Austrian sociology
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 2007
Cognitive Linguistics in Action: From Theory to Application and Back (Applications of Cognitive Linguistics)
Elzbieta Tabakowska, Michał Choinski, 2010
Dictionary of St. Lucian Creole
Jones E. Mondesir; Lawrence D. Carrington, 1992
18.1. History of the Language Science; Geschichte Der Sprachwissenschaften; Histoire Des Sciences Du Langage (Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaften; Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science; HSK)
Sylvain Auroux, E. F. K. Koerner, Hans J. Niederehe, Kees Versteegh, 2000
A Cognitive Approach to the Verb: Morphological and Constructional Perspectives
Hanne Gram Simonsen, Rolf Theil Endresen, 2001
On Pied-Piping: Wh-Movement and Beyond
Fabian Heck, 2008
A Descriptive Grammar of sa̲ei:di, Egyptian colloquial Arabic
Abdelghany A. Khalafallah, 1969
Discovering Syntax: Clause Structures of English, German and Romance
Joseph E. Emonds, 2007
On Pied-Piping: Wh-Movement and Beyond
Fabian Heck, 2008
A Grammar of Cavinena
Guillaume, Antoine, 2008
A Grammar of Hup
Epps, Patience, 2008
A Grammar of Lao
Enfield, N.J., 2007
A Grammar of Madurese (Mouton Grammar Library 50)
William D. Davies, 2010
A Grammar of Qiang: With Annotated Texts and Glossary
Randy J. Lapolla, Chenglong Huang, 2003
A Grammar of Teiwa (Mouton Grammar Library)
Marian Klamer, 2010
A Grammar of Toqabaqita
Lichtenberk, Frantisek, 2008
A Grammar of Toqabaqita (Mouton Grammar Library)
Lichtenberk, Frantisek, 2008
A New Architecture for Functional Grammar (Functional Grammar Series)
J. Lachlan Mackenzie, Maria de los Angeles Gomez-Gonzalez, 2004
Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages
Klimov, Georgij A., 1998