انتشارات Multilingual Matters

Acquisition Of Irish: A Case Study
Máire Owens, 1992
A Practical Guide for Translators
Geoffrey Samuelsson-Brown, 2004
Bilingualism and Social Relations: Turkish Speakers in North West Europe
J. Normann Jorgensen, 2004
Immigrant languages in Europe
Guus Extra, Ludo Verhoeven, Ludo Th Verhoeven, 1993
Evaluating Bilingual Education: A Canadian Case Study
Merrill Swain and Sharon Lapkin, 1982
Foreign Second Language Pedagogy Research: A Commemorative Volume for Clause Faerch (Multilingual Matters)
Robert Phillipson, Eric Kellerman, Larry Selinker, Michael Sharwood Smith, Merrill Swain, 1991
Second Language Acquisition and Language Pedagogy
Rod Ellis, 1992
Ideology and Image: Britain and Language (Multilingual Matters)
Dennis Ager, 2003
Challenging the Monolingual Mindset
John Hajek, Yvette Slaughter, 2014
International Perspectives on Teaching About Hazards and Disasters
John Lidstone, 1996
An Intercultural Approach to English Language Teaching
John Corbett, 2003
English in Medical Education: An Intercultural Approach to Teaching Language and Values
Peih-ying Lu, John Corbett, 2012
At war with diversity: US language policy in an age of anxiety
James Crawford, 2000
Context and Culture in Language Teaching and Learning
Michae Byram, Peter Grundy, 2003
A dynamic model of multilingualism : perspectives of change in psycholinguistics
Philip Herdina; Ulrike Jessner, 2002
Bilingualism and national development
Gary M. Jones, 1993
Bilingualism and National Development
Gary M. Jones and A. Conrad K. Ozóg (Editors), 1993
Minority education: from shame to struggle
Tove Skutnabb-Kangas, Jim Cummins, 1988
Special language: from humans thinking to thinking machines
Christer Laurén, Marianne Nordman, 1989
Education of Chinese children in Britain and the USA
Lornita Yuen-Fan Wong, 1992
Bilingual Children: Guidance for the Family (Multilingual Matters)
George Saunders, 1984
Building bridges: multilingual resources for children
Multilingual Resources for Children Project, 1995