انتشارات Nai Publishers

Animal Spirits: A Bestiary of the Commons
Matteo Pasquinelli, 2009
Itsuko Hasegawa island hopping crossover architecture
Itsuko Hasegawa, 2000
Anti-Media: Ephemera on Speculative Arts
Florian Cramer, 2013
20th century urban design in the Netherlands
Ibelings, Hans, 1999
Van Sambeek and Van Veen Architects: Freedom of Organization
Erna Van Sambeek, 2005
Delusive Spaces: Essays on Culture, Media and Technology
Eric Kluitenberg, 2008
Nettitudes: Let’s Talk Net Art
Josephine Bosma, 2011
Web Aesthetics: How Digital Media Affect Culture and Society
Vito Campanelli, 2010
Organized Networks: Media Theory, Creative Labour, New Institutions
Ned Rossiter, 2006
A game as old as empire : the secret world of economic hit men and the web of global corruption
Steven Hiatt, John Perkins, 2007
7 Mantras to Excel in Exams. Practical Tips to Score Maximum Marks
Prem P. Bhalla, 2011
Academic Jokes. Lighter Side of Academics
S. M. Mathur, 2011
55 Teaching Dilemmas. Ten powerful solutions to almost any classroom challenge
Kathy Paterson, 2014
Economics of Tourism
Larry Dwyer, 2011
Tourism and Service Management
David Solnet, 2011
Tourism and Transport
David Duval, 2011
501 Astonishing Facts
Editorial Board, 2011
Plant Biotechnology and Molecular Markers
S. Srivastava, 2004
71 + 10 New Science Projects. Self-learning Kit
C. L. Garg, 2011
71 Science Experiments. Making Science Simpler for You
Vikas Khatri, 2012
Biblia de studiu pentru o viaţă deplină
Răzvan Mihăilescu; traducător. Aurel Mihalea; C. Cornilescu; Aurelian Marinescu; Cristian Vasile Roske, 1996
The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts
Gary Chapman, 1992,2004
Jewish Book Art Between Islam and Christianity: The Decoration of Hebrew Bibles in Medieval Spain
Katrin Kogman-Appel, 2004