انتشارات Nasa

American X-Vehicles: An Inventory-X-1 to X-50
Dennis R. Jenkins, Tony Landis, Jay Miller, 2005
Challenge to Apollo - The Soviet Union and the Space Race, 1945-1974
Asif Siddiqi, 2000
Constrained Minimization of smooth function using a genetic algoritm
Moerder D., Pamadi B., 1994
Constrained Solution of a system of matrix Equatation
Gupta S., 1996![Aircraft Navigation (transl. from Russian) [NASA TT F-524]](http://cdn.ketabkoo.com/covers/0/88404-n.jpg)
Aircraft Navigation (transl. from Russian) [NASA TT F-524]
S. Fedchin, 1969
A summary of diagonal tension Part I : methods of analysis
Paul Kuhn, James P. Peterson, and L. Ross Levin, 1952
A history of aerospace problems, their solutions, their lessons
RS Ryan; George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, 1996
Space vehicle guidance : a boundary value formulation
Robert W Hunt; Robert Silber; George C. Marshall Space Flight Center.; United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1964
Facilities Engineering Project Management Manual
Goddard Space Flight CenterWallops Flight FacilityWallops Island, 1999
Celebrating a Century of Flight
Judy Baker, 2002
Project Apollo: the tough decisions
Robert C. Seamans, 2005
Space Flight. The First 30 Years
NASA, 1991
The "Apollo" of aeronautics : NASA’s Aircraft Energy Efficiency Program, 1973-1987
Mark D. Bowles, 2010
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
National Aeronautics, 2007
This new ocean : a history of Project Mercury
Loyd S Swenson; James M Grimwood; Charles C Alexander; United States. National Aeronautics, 1998
Summary of Diagonal Tension, Part II - Experimental Evidence
Kuhn, Paul, 1952
Autonomous Software-Defined Radio Receivers for Deep Space Applns
J. Hamkins, 2006
Black magic and gremlins : analog flight simulations at NASA's Flight Research Center
Gene L Waltman; United States. National Aeronautics
Cosmos and Culture
Steven J. Dick &, 2009
Exploring the Moon : a teacher's guide with activities for earth and space sciences
United States. National Aeronautics, 1997