انتشارات New Age, India

Waves and Thermodynamics for JEE (Advanced)
B. M. Sharma, 2019
Algebra for JEE (Advanced), 3rd edition
G. TEWANI, 2019
Inclusion and Exclusion in Local Governance: Field Studies from Rural India
B S Baviskar, George Mathew, 2009
Algebra for JEE (Advanced), 3rd edition
G. TEWANI, 2019
Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction for JEE (Advanced), 3rd edition
B. M. Sharma, 2019
Problems and Solutions in Organic Chemistry for JEE (Main and Advanced)
Surendra K. Mishra, 2020
Social Movements in India: A Review of the Literature
Ghanshyam Shah, 2004
Social Movements in India: A Review of the Literature
Ghanshyam Shah, 2004
Horror Fiction in the Global South: Cultures, Narratives and Representations
Ritwick Bhattacharjee; Saikat Ghosh, 2021
No Land's People: The Untold Story of Assam's NRC Crisis
Abhishek Saha, 2021
The Paradox of India’s North–South Divide: Lessons from the States and Regions
Samuel Paul, Kala Seetharam Sridhar, 2015
Jihad: The Islamic Doctrine of Permanent War
Suhas Majumdar
Pakistan's Terror Conundrum
Khaled Ahmed, 2020
A Frayed History: The Journey of Cotton in India
Meena Menon; Uzramma, 2017
Defying the Odds: The Rise of Dalit Entrepreneurs
Devesh Kapur; D Shyam Babu; Chandra Bhan Prasad, 2014
Governing India's Metropolises: Case Studies of Four Cities
Joël Ruet, Stéphanie Tawa Lama-Rewal, 2009
India’s Water Futures: Emergent Ideas and Pathways
K. J. Joy, S. Janakarajan, 2018
Climate Change, Vulnerability and Migration
S. Irudaya Rajan and R. B. Bhagat, 2017
The Archaeology of Sacred Spaces: The Temple in Western India, 2nd Century BCE–8th Century CE
Susan Verma Mishra, Himanshu Prabha Ray, 2016
Globalisation, Governance Reforms and Development in India
Kameshwar Choudhary, 2007
Geographies of Difference: Explorations in Northeast Indian Studies
Mélanie Vandenhelsken, Meenaxi Barkataki-Ruscheweyh, Bengt G. Karlsson, 2017