انتشارات New Book Co.

Plants and People
Chevalier, Alexandre;Marinova, Elena;Pena-Chocarro, Leonor; (editor), 2014
From Mine to Microscope
Shortland, Andrew J.;Freestone, Ian;Rehren, Thilo; (editor), 2009
Movement, Exchange and Identity in Europe in the 2nd and 1st Millennia BC
Lehoërff, Anne,Talon, Marc, 2017
The Mediterranean From 50,000 to 25,000 BP. Turning Points and New Directions
Carolyn Szmidt;Marta Camps; (editor), 2009
What Did Jesus Really Say?
Flag Fen, Peterborough
Francis Pryor;Michael Bamforth; (editor), 2010
Bodies of Clay
Heiner Schwarzberg,Valeska Becker; Valeska Becker, 2017
Body Parts and Bodies Whole
Hughes, Jessica.;Srensen, Marie Louise Stig.;Rebay-Salisbury, Katharina.; (editor), 2010
Material Mnemonics
Lillios, Katina T.;Tsamis, Vasileios.; (editor), 2010
The Power of Stillness: Mindful Living for Latter-Day Saints
Jacob Z. Hess & Carrie Skarda & Kyle Anderson & Ty Mansfield [Hess, Jacob Z. & Skarda, Carrie & Anderson, Kyle & Mansfield, Ty], 2019
Breakthroughs in Science
Isaac Asimov, Karoly, Szanto, 1961
Ecosofia. La saggezza della terra
Raimon Panikkar, Milena Carrara Pavan (editor), 2015
V.N. Shukla's Constitution of India
Mahendra Pal Singh, 2020
Anime elettriche. Riti e miti social
Ippolita, 2016
Kitab Al-Iman Book of Faith
ابن تيمية / Ibn Taimiyyah, 2009
Strange As It Seems: The Impossible Life of Gordon Zahler
Chip Jacobs, 2016
Life Lessons From 29 Heroines Who Dared to Break the Rules
Cheryl Strayed; Karen Karbo, 2018
North Korea Confidential : Private Markets, Fashion Trends, Prison Camps, Dissenters and Defectors
Daniel Tudor, James Pearson, 2021
Legal Writing: A Judge's Perspective on the Science and Rhetoric of the Written Word
Robert E. Bacharach, 2019
Legal Writing: A Judge's Perspective on the Science and Rhetoric of the Written Word
Robert E. Bacharach, 2019
Origini dell'uomo ed evoluzione culturale. Profili scientifici, filosofici, religiosi
Fiorenzo Facchini, 2002
Ominoidi, ominidi e uomini
Yves Coppens, 1996
Storia dell'uomo e cambi di clima
Yves Coppens, 2007
Data Structures in C++
Muhammad Tauqueer