انتشارات New Harbinger

The Wisdom to Know the Difference: An Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Workbook for Overcoming Substance Abuse
Kelly Wilson PhD, Troy DuFrene, 2012
The Wisdom to Know the Difference: An Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Workbook for Overcoming Substance Abuse
Kelly Wilson PhD, Troy DuFrene, 2012
The Wisdom to Know the Difference: An Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Workbook for Overcoming Substance Abuse
Kelly G. Wilson PhD, Troy DuFrene, 2012
The Wisdom to Know the Difference: An Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Workbook for Overcoming Substance Abuse
Troy DuFrene, Kelly G. Wilson, 2012
Treating psychosis : a clinician's guide to integrating acceptance & commitment therapy, compassion-focused therapy & mindfulness approaches within the cognitive behavioral therapy tradition
Davies, David; Hopton, Jennifer; Jacobs, Andrew M.; Kelly, Owen P.; Turkington, Douglas; Wright, Nicola P., 2014
Treating Psychosis: A Clinician's Guide to Integrating Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Compassion-Focused Therapy, and Mindfulness Approaches within the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Tradition
Nicola P. Wright PhDCPsych, Douglas Turkington MD, Owen P. Kelly PhDCPsych, David Davies PhDCPsych, Andrew M. Jacobs PsyDCPsych, Jennifer Hopton MA, Aaron T. Beck MD, 2014
Acceptance and Mindfulness Treatments for Children and Adolescents. A Practitioner's Guide
Laurie Greco,Steven Hayes, 2012
The Nurture Effect: How the Science of Human Behavior Can Improve Our Lives and Our World
Anthony Biglan, David Sloan Wilson (foreword), Steven C. Hayes (afterword), 2015
ACT and RFT in Relationships. Helping Clients Deepen Intimacy and Maintain Healthy Commitments Using...
JoAnne Dahl,Ian Stewart,Christopher Martell, et al.New Harbinger Publications|New Harbinger Publications||Context PressAdult NonfictionPsychologyLanguage(s): EnglishOn sale date: 18.12.2013Street date: 02.01.2014Preview, 2013
A Clinician's Guide to Teaching Mindfulness: The Comprehensive Session-by-Session Program for Mental Health Professionals and Health Care Providers
Christiane Wolf MDPhD, J. Greg Serpa PhD, Jack Kornfield PhD, Trudy Goodman PhD, 2015
A Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Workbook
Bob Stahl PhD, Elisha Goldstein PhD, Saki Santorelli EdDMA, Jon Kabat-Zinn PhD, 2010
A Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Workbook
Bob Stahl, Elisha Goldstein, Saki Santorelli, Jon Kabat-Zinn, 2010
The Mindfulness Solution to Pain: Step-by-Step Techniques for Chronic Pain Management
Jackie Gardner-Nix, Lucie Costin-Hall, 2009
Calming the Rush of Panic: A Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Guide to Freeing Yourself from Panic Attacks and Living a Vital Life
Bob Stahl, Wendy Millstine, 2013
Calming Your Anxious Mind: How Mindfulness and Compassion Can Free You from Anxiety, Fear, and Panic
Jeffrey Brantley, Jon Kabat-Zinn, 2003
In This Moment: Five Steps to Transcending Stress Using Mindfulness and Neuroscience
Kirk D. Strosahl PhD, Patricia J. Robinson PhD, 2015
In This Moment: Five Steps to Transcending Stress Using Mindfulness and Neuroscience
Kirk D. Strosahl PhD, Patricia J. Robinson PhD, 2015
Living with Your Heart Wide Open: How Mindfulness and Compassion Can Free You from Unworthiness, Inadequacy, and Shame
Steve Flowers, Bob Stahl, 2011
MBSR Every Day: Daily Practices From the Heart of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
Elisha Goldstei, Bob Stahl