انتشارات New Life Publication

Legends of the Jews (2-Volume Set)
Louis Ginzberg, 2003
Mekhilta de-Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai
W. David Nelson, 2006
Portraits of Our Past: Jews of the German Countryside
Emily C Rose, 2001
Studies in Bible and Feminist Criticism
Tikva Frymer-Kensky, 2006
The Hasidic Parable: An Anthology with Commentary
Aryeh Wineman, 2001
The Jews of Egypt : from Rameses II to Emperor Hadrian
King of Egypt. Ramses II, 1995
The JPS Bible Commentary: Haftarot
Michael Fishbane, 2002
The JPS Bible Commentary: Song of Songs
Michael Fishbane, 2015
The Life of Glückel of Hameln: A Memoir
Beth-Zion Abrahams, 2010
Emergency Vascular and Endovascular Surgical Practice
Aires A. B. Barros D"Sa, 2005
Torah: The Five Books of Moses
Harry M. Orlinsky, 1992
English in Modern Times: 1700-1945 (Hodder Arnold Publication)
Joan C. Beal, 2004
English Transcription Course (Hodder Arnold Publication)
M. Luisa Garcia Lecumberri, 2000
Examination Notes in Psychiatry: Basic Sciences
Gin S. Malhi, 2006
Gastrointestinal System
Miruna Canagaratnam, 2004
Global Warming: The Science of Climate Change
Frances Drake, 2000
Handbook of Venous Disorders: Guidelines of the American Venous Forum
Peter Gloviczki, 2001
Oliver Cromwell
J. C. Davis, 2001
One Stop Doc Endocrine and Reproductive Systems
Caroline Jewels, 2005
One Stop Doc Musculoskeletal System
Wayne Lam, 2005
One Stop Doc Renal and Urinary System and Electrolyte Balance
Panos Stamoulos, 2005
Overcoming Postnatal Depression A Five Areas Approach
Dr. Christopher Williams, 2009
Parapsychology: The Science of Unusual Experience
Ron Roberts, 2001