انتشارات New Society Pub

Questioning Technology: A Critical Anthology
Alice Carnes, 1990
Fractography: fracture topography as a tool in fracture mechanics and stress analysis
Mohammed S. Ameen, 1995
Volcano instability on the Earth and other planets
Bill McGuire, 1996
Stochastic problems in Physics and Astronomy
S Chandrasekhar, 1943
Environmental geochemistry and health: with special reference to developing countries
J. D. Appleton, Joint Association of Geoscientists for International Development, Society for Environmental Geochemistry, 1996
What drives metamorphism and metamorphic reactions?
P. J. Treloar, 1998
Basin modelling: practice and progress, Volume 5,Nummer 141
S. J. Düppenbecker, 1998
Modern developments in structural interpretation, validation and modelling
Peter G. Buchanan, 1995
Continental transpressional and transtensional tectonics
Robert E. Holdsworth, 1998
Basin inversion
James G. Buchanan, 1995
Coalbed methane and coal geology
Rodney A. Gayer, 1996
Island Britain: a Quaternary perspective
R. C. Preece, 1995
Petroleum Geology of North Africa
Gs 132, 1998
The Geochemistry of reservoirs
John M. Cubitt, 1995
The Tectonics, sedimentation and palaeoceanography of the North Atlantic Region
R. A. Scrutton, 1995
Core-log integration
Peter K. Harvey, 1998
Non-biostratigraphical methods of dating and correlation
Robert E. Dunay, 1995
The Reality of Apocalypse: Rhetoric and Politics in the Book of Revelation (SBL Symposium Series 39)
David L. Barr (ed.), 2006
James Hutton: present and future
Geological Society of London, 1999
Correlation of the early Paleogene in northwest Europe
R. W. O"B. Knox, 1996
The occult significance of blood
Rudolf Steiner, 1912
The story of Atlantis ; & the lost Lemuria
W Scott-Elliot, 1896, 1904