انتشارات New York, Dover Publications [1970

Fundamentals of Mathematical Physics
Kraut, 1995
Understanding thermodynamics
H.C. Van Ness, 1983
Understanding Thermodynamics
H.C. Van Ness, 1983
Understanding Thermodynamics
Van Ness, 1969
Plasticity theory
Jacob Lubliner, 2008
Not in Print
Available Not, 1950
Paradoxes in Mathematics
StanleyJ. Farlow, 2014
From Alchemy to Chemistry
John Read, 1995
Quantum Theory
David Bohm, 1989
Quantum Theory
David Bohm, 1989
Living my life
Goldman, 1970
Lectures on matrices
J. H. M. Wedderburn, 2004
Lectures on Matrices
J. H. M. Wedderburn, 2004
The Theory of Groups and Quantum Mechanics
Hermann Weyl, 1950
Exclusive Magic Tricks
W. Goldstone, 1977
Levels of Infinity: Selected Writings on Mathematics and Philosophy
Hermann Weyl, 2013
Mathematical logic
Stephen Cole Kleene, 2002
Mathematical Logic
Stephen Cole Kleene, 2002
The Prisons / Le Carceri
Giovanni Battista Piranesi, 2010
An Introduction to Information Theory: Symbols, Signals and Noise
John R. Pierce, 1980
Introduction to Analysis
Maxwell Rosenlicht, 1985
Introduction to Analysis
Maxwell Rosenlicht, 1986
Family Happiness
Leo Tolstoy, 2005
Elegant Tatting Patterns
Janet Carroll, 1996