انتشارات New York, Putnam

Lyra Graeca, Volume III: Corinna, Bacchylides, Timotheus, etc. (Loeb Classical Library No. 144)
J.M. Edmonds (ed.), 1927
Characters of Shakespeare's Plays
William Hazlitt, 1845
Wonders in the Sky Unexplained Aerial Objects from Antiquity to Modern Times
Jacques Vallee, 2010
Blackburn aircraft since 1909
AJ Jackson, 1968
Greek Anthology III. Book IX (Loeb Classical Library). The Declamatory Epigrams.
with an Engl. transl. by W. R. Paton., 1917
British racing and record-breaking aircraft
Peter MH Lewis
Biplane to monoplane : aircraft development, 1919-1939
Philip Jarrett, 1997
Everyday Life in Medieval Times
Marjorie Rowling, 1972
Dissolving Rubik's Cube: The Ultimate Solution!
Ken Lawless, 1982
Osiris and the Egyptian Resurrection
Budge, Ernest Alfred Wallis, 1911
Avro Aircraft Since 1908
A.J. Jackson, 1965
Aeromarine Origins