انتشارات New York: Dover 1964.

Origami Flowers (Dover Origami Papercraft)
James Minoru Sakoda, 1999
Boy Scouts Handbook
Boy Scouts of America, 2005
Molecular Theory of Capillarity
J. S. Rowlinson, B. Widom, Chemistry, 2003
Big Book of Dragons, Monsters, and Other Mythical Creatures
Ernst Lehner, Johanna Lehner, 2004
Origami Step by Step
Robert Harbin, 1998
New Atlantis and The City of the Sun: Two Classic Utopias
Francis Bacon, Tomasso Campanella, 2018
Catastrophe Theory for Scientists and Engineers
Robert Gilmore, 1993
Ghost and Horror Stories of Ambrose Bierce
Bierce, Ambrose; (E. F. Bleiler, ed.), 1964
Essays on the Theory of Numbers
Richard Dedekind, Mathematics, 1963
Pauli Lectures in Physics Vol. - 5 Wave Mechanics
Wolfgang Pauli, 1973
Pauli Lectures in Physics Vol.- 2 Optics and the Theory of Electrons
Wolfgang Pauli, 1973
Origami from Angelfish to Zen
Peter Engel, 1994
Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan, Volume I
John L. Stephens, 1969
Optical Processes in Semiconductors
Jacques I. Pankove, Physics, 2010
Lectures on the Icosahedron
Felix Klein, 2003
Fundamentals of Musical Acoustics: Second, Revised Edition
Arthur H. Benade, 1990
Myths and Tales of the Jicarilla Apache Indians
Edward Morris Opler, 2012
What Light Through Yonder Window Breaks?: More Experiments in Atmospheric Physics
Craig F. Bohren, 2013
Sieve Methods
Heine Halberstam, Hans Egon Richert, Mathematics, 2011
Symmetry Principles in Solid State and Molecular Physics
Melvin Lax, 2012
Theoretical Physics: Second Edition
A. S. Kompaneyets, Physics, 2012
Looney Limericks
Frank Jacobs, 2011