انتشارات New York: Wiley 1907.

Addictive Disorders in Medical Populations
Norman S. Miller, Mark S. Gold, 2010
Advanced Techniques in Diagnostic Cellular Pathology
Mary Hannon-Fletcher, Perry Maxwell, 2009
Alpine Skiing: Olympic Handbook of Sports Medicine
Robert E. Leach, D. Fritschy, J. R. Steadman, 1994
American Medical Association Complete Guide to Men's Health
The American Medical Association, 2001
An Illustrated Guide to Skin Lymphoma
Lorenzo Cerroni, Kevin Gatter, Helmut Kerl, 2004
Anatomy at a Glance
Omar Faiz, David Moffat, 2001
Anatomy for Anaesthetists
Harold Ellis, Andrew Lawson, 2013
Anatomy of a Fraud Investigation
Stephen Pedneault, 2010
Anatomy of the Heart by Multislice Computed Tomography
Francesco Faletra, Natesa Pandian, Siew Yen Ho, 2008
Archaea: Evolution, Physiology, and Molecular Biology
Roger A. Garrett, Hans-Peter Klenk, 2007
Carbohydrates in chemistry and biology
Beat Ernst,Gerald W Hart,Pierre Sinay, 2000
Clinical Anatomy: Applied Anatomy for Students and Junior Doctors
Harold Ellis, Vishy Mahadevan, 2013
Comparative Vertebrate Neuroanatomy: Evolution and Adaptation
Ann B. Butler, William Hodos, 2005
Exercise Physiology: A Thematic Approach
Tudor Hale, 2004
Lectures Notes Clinical Anesthesia
Carl L. Gwinnutt, 2004
Perioperative Practice at a Glance
Paul Wicker, 2015
Nuts and Bolts of Cardiac Pacing
Tom Kenny, 2005
A Practical Guide to Clinical Virology
L. R. Haaheim, J. R. Pattison, R. J. Whitley, 2002
A Practical Guide to Clinical Virology
L. R. Haaheim, J. R. Pattison, R. J. Whitley, 2002
A Practical Guide to Clinical Virology
L. R. Haaheim, J. R. Pattison, R. J. Whitley, 2002
A Practical Guide to Clinical Virology
L. R. Haaheim, J. R. Pattison, R. J. Whitley, 2002
advanced clinical skills for gu nurses
Matthew Grundy-Bowers, Jonathan Davies, 2007
Atlas of Clinical Avian Hematology
Phillip Clark, Wayne Boardman, Shane Raidal, 2009
Bobath Concept: Theory and Clinical Practice in Neurological Rehabilitation
Sue Raine, Linzi Meadows, Mary Lynch-Ellerington, 2009