انتشارات New York : Routledge

Evolution of a Revolution: Forty Years of the Singapore Constitution
Li-ann Thio, 2009
Feminist Perspectives on Law and Theory
Janice Richardson, 2000
Genetics & DNA Technology: Legal Aspects
Wilson Wall, 2002
Company Directors' Responsibilities to Creditors
Andrew Keay, 2006
Honour, Violence, Women and Islam
Mohammad Mazher Idriss, 2010
Competition Law and Policy in the EC and UK
Barry Rodger, 2008
Human Genes and Neoliberal Governance: A Foucauldian Critique
Antoinette Rouvroy, 2007
Competition law and policy in the EC and UK
Barry J Rodger, 2009
Human Rights and the Private Sphere: A Comparative Study
Jörg Fedtke, 2007
Human Rights in the Digital Age (Glasshouse S.)
Mathias Klang, 2004
Criminal Procedure & Sentencing
Peter Hungerford-Welch, 2004
Insolvency Law (Practice Notes Series)
Frieze, 2001
Drugs, Crime and Public Health: The Political Economy of Drug Policy
Alex Stevens, 2010
International criminal law
Ilias Bantekas, 2007
Eco Crime and Genetically Modified Food (Criminology S.)
Reece Walters, 2010
International Law
John O"Brien, 2001
Economics, Ethics and the Environment
Boswall, 2002
International Law Documents Relating to Terrorism
Omer Yousif Elagab, 2007
Empty Justice: One Hundred Years of Law, Literature and Philosophy
Melanie Williams, 2002
English law
Gary Slapper, 2010
Internet Child Abuse: Current Research and Policy
Julia Davidson, 2010
English legal system, 2009-2010
Gary Slapper, 2009
Judicial Review in the Commonwealth Caribbean
Rajendra Ramlogan, 2006