انتشارات New York Kluwer Academic Publishers

Electronic properties of solids using cluster methods
TA Kaplan, 2002
Electronic Structure and Magneto-optical Properties of Solids
Victor Antonov, 2004
Electronic structure of disordered alloys, surfaces and interfaces
Ilja Turek, 1997
Encyclopedia of phenomenology
Embree, Lester E., 1997
Encyclopedia of phenomenology
Embree, 1997
Encyclopedia of phenomenology
Embree, 1997
Physics of Semiconductor Devices
J.-P. Colinge, 2002
Numerical Quantum Dynamics
Wolfgang Schweizer, 2001
Place of Science in a World of Values and Facts
Loucas G. Christophorou, 2002
Exercises in basic ring theory
Grigore Călugăreanu, 1998
Modern Foraminifera
Barun K. Sen Gupta, 1999
Special Matrices and Their Applications in Numerical Mathematics
Miroslav Fiedler, 1986
Viral Membrane Proteins: Structure, Function, and Drug Design (Protein Reviews)
Wolfgang B. Fischer (Editor), 2005
Essential Spaceflight Dynamics and Magnetospherics (Space Technology Library)
V. Rauschenbakh, 2004
Exploring the secrets of the aurora
Syun-Ichi Akasofu, 2002
Exponential Sums and Their Applications
N. M. Korobov, 1992
Exponential Sums and Their Applications
N. M. Korobov, 1992
Exponential Sums and Their Applications
Nikolaĭ Mikhaĭlovich Korobov, 1992
Finite fields for computer scientists and engineers
Robert J. McEliece, 1987
Food powders : physical properties, processing, and functionality
Gustavo V Barbosa-Cánovas, 2005
Foundations of linear algebra
Jonathan S Golan, 1995
Fracture Mechanics
Nestor Perez, 2004