انتشارات New York Univ Pr

Bridges: Their Engineering and Planning
George C. Lee, 2015
Nietzsche And Paradox
Rogerio Miranda De Almeida, 2006
Recreating Utopia in the Desert: A Sectarian Challenge to Modern Mormonism
Hans A. Baer, 1988
Hegel, Deleuze, and the Critique of Representation: Dialectics of Negation and Difference
Henry Somers-hall, 2012
Hegel, Deleuze, and the Critique of Representation: Dialectics of Negation and Difference
Henry Somers-hall, 2012
The Evolution of Death: Why We Are Living Longer
Stanley Shostak, 2006
Dialectic of Salvation: Issues in Theology of Liberation
Anselm Kyongsuk Min, 1989
Defying Gravity: Jean Paulhan's Interventions in Twentieth-Century French Intellectual History
Michael Syrotinski, 1998
Hans-Georg Gadamer on Education, Poetry, and History: Applied Hermeneutics
Dieter Misgeld, 1992
Psychology of the Future: Lessons from Modern Consciousness Research
Stanislav Grof, 2000
The Cosmic Game: Explorations of the Frontiers of Human Consciousness
Stanislav Grof, 1998
Heidegger And Aristotle: The Twofoldness Of Being
Walter A. Brogan, 2005
Gandhi's Pilgrimage Of Faith: From Darkness To Light
Uma Majmudar, 2005
System of Ethical Life and First Philosophy of Spirit
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, 1979
Peaceful Persuasion: The Geopolitics of Nonviolent Rhetoric (Communication Studies)
Ellen W. Gorsevski, 2004
Hegel and Shakespeare on Moral Imagination
Jennifer Ann Bates, 2010
Criminal Gods and Demon Devotees: Essays on the Guardians of Popular Hinduism
Alf Hiltebeitel, 1989