انتشارات Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Mbh

Studying Japan: Handbook of Research Designs, Fieldwork and Methods
Nora Kottmann (editor), Cornelia Reiher (editor), 2021
Handbuch zur deutschen Europapolitik: Mit einem Vorwort von Michael Roth, Staatsminister für Europa
Katrin Böttger (editor), Mathias Jopp (editor), 2021
Diversity Gains: Stepping Stones and Pitfalls
Sarah Bollinger (editor), Carsten Mildner (editor), 2020
Ownership Problems of Overlaps in European Intellectual Property
Nuno de Araujo Sousa e Silva, 2014
Self-Representation Before International Criminal Tribunals
Sarah Raveling, 2014
Einfuhrung in Das Deutsche Recht (Nomosstudium) (German Edition)
Gerhard Robbers, 2016
Den Staat zerschlagen! Anarchistische Staatsverständnisse
Peter Seyferth, 2015
Roots of the Scandinavian Model. Images of Progress in the Era of Modernisation
Kazimierz Musial, 2002
Drugs In Germany And The United States, 1819-1945: The Birth Of Two Addictions
Jonathan Lewy, 2017
The Stoics and the State: Theory - Practice - Context
Jula Wildberger, 2018
Party, State, Revolution: Critical Reflections on Žižek’s Political Philosophy
Bart van der Steen (editor), Marc de Kesel (editor), 2017
Der soziale Rechtsstaat: Gedächtnisschrift für Hermann Heller, 1891-1933
Christoph Müller (Editor); Ilse Staff (Editor); Wolfgang Abendroth; Stephan Albrecht; Angelo Bolaffi; Fritz Borinski; Jürgen Fijalkowski; Ernesto Garzon Valdés; Gerhard Haney; Eike Hennig; Volker Hentschel; Andreas Kaiser; Ellen Kennedy; Josef Kühne; Norbert Leser; Antonio Lopez Pina; Eberhard Lämmert; Wolfgang Luthardt; Ingeborg Maus; Jürgen Meinck; Klaus Meyer; Pasquale Pasquino; Stanley L. Paulson; Ulrich Penski; Pier Paolo Portinaro; Ingo Richter; Gerhard Robbers; Dian Schefold; Wolfga, 1984
Lifelong Studies in Love With Plato
Maurizio Migliori, 2020
Chomsky on State and Democracy
Günther Grewendorf [ed.], 2021
Relationship Between the Legislature and the Judiciary: Contributions to the 6th Seoul-Freiburg Law Faculties Symposium
Jan von Hein (editor), Hanno Merkt (editor), Sonja Meier (editor), Alexander Bruns (editor), Yuanshi Bu (editor), Silja Vöneky (editor), Michael Pawlik (editor), Eiji Takahashi (editor), 2017
Turkey and the European Union: Key Dynamics and Future Scenarios
Beken Saatçioğlu, Funda Tekin [eds.], 2021
The Industrialization of India
Dietmar Rothermund, 2019
Legitimacy Issues of the European Union in the Face of Crisis: Dimitris Tsatsos in memoriam
Lina Papadopoulou (editor), Ingolf Pernice (editor), Joseph HH Weiler (editor), 2017
Securitization in Statebuilding and Intervention
Thorsten Bonacker (editor), Werner Distler (editor), Maria Ketzmerick (editor), 2017
Polish-Belarusian Relations: Between a Common Past and the Future
Andrzej Wierzbicki, 2018