انتشارات Noordhoff

Matrix mechanics
Herbert S. Green, Max Born, 1965
Introduction to the theory of stability
E. A Barbashin, 1970
Introduction to the Theory of Partially Ordered Spaces
B. Z. Vulikh, 1967
Elementary number theory
B. A Venkov, 1970
Algorithms and recursive functions
Anatolii Ivanovič Mal’cev, 1970
Aeroelasticity of plates and shells
EH Dowell, 1975
Design methodologies for VLSI circuits
Paul G Jespers; Carlo H Séquin; Fernand van de Wiele, 1982
Contemporary Phenomenology and the Problem of Existence
John Wild, 1960
Calculus of residues,
Dragoslav S Mitrinovic, 1966
Algorithms and recursive functions
A. I. Malcev, 1970
Qualitative methods in elasticity
Piero Villaggio, 1977
Introduction to Metamathematics
Stephen Cole Kleene, 1971
The numerical performance of variational methods
S. G Mikhlin, 1971
Nonlinear theory of elastic stability
K. Huseyin, 1975
Collected Problems in Numerical Methods
M.P. Cherkasova~G.L. Thomas~R.S. Anderssen, 1972
Independent and stationary sequences of random variables
I. A Ibragimov, 1971
Algebraic geometry, Oslo 1970; proceedings
F. Oort, 1972
Convex Functions and Orlicz Spaces.
M. A. Krasnosel"skii, 1961
Differential geometry
A. V Pogorelov, 1954
Elementary Inequalities - Tutorial Text No. 1
D. S. Mitrinovic, 1964