انتشارات North Holland Pub Co

Combinatorial Problems and Exercises
L. Lovász (Auth.), 1993
Artificial Intelligence V. Methodology, Systems, Applications
B. du Boulay, 1992
Handbook of Convex Geometry. Part A
Peter M. Gruber (Auth.), 1993
Handbook of Convex Geometry. Part B
Peter M. Gruber (Auth.), 1993
Readings in econometric theory and practice : a volume in honor of George Judge
George G Judge, 1992
Vector measures and control systems
Igor Kluvánek, Greg Knowles, 1976
Graphs and Hypergraphs
Claude Berge, 1973
Abstract analytic number theory
John Knopfmacher, 1975
Divisor theory in module categories
Vasconcelos, 1974
Analytic Functions and Manifolds in Infinite Dimensional Spaces
G. Coeuré (Eds.), 1974
Approaches to integer programming
M. L. Balinski, 1974
Cubic forms; algebra, geometry, arithmetic
IU I Manin, 1974
Hewitt-Nachbin spaces
Author Unknown, 1975
Methodes en theorie des champs = Methods in field theory
R. Balian, 1986
Pivoting and extensions: in honor of A. W. Tucker
Balinski M.L. (ed.), 1974
Topology and Borel structure; descriptive topology and set theory with applications to functional analysis and measure theory
J.P.R. Christensen (Eds.), 1974
Studies in economic planning over space and time.
Takashi Takayama; George G. Judge, 1973
Quantum Field Theory of Solids: An Introduction
Haken, Hermann P. J, 1976