انتشارات North Holland Pub Co

Handbook of mathematical fluid dynamics. / Vol. 1
Susan Friedlander, 2002
Handbook of mathematical fluid dynamics. / Vol. 2
Susan Friedlander, 2003
Handbook of mathematical fluid dynamics. / Vol. 2
Susan Friedlander, 2003
Handbook of mathematical fluid dynamics. / Vol. 3
Susan Friedlander, 2004
Handbook of Mathematical Fluid Dynamics: Volume 2
S. Friedlander, 2003
Handbook of Mathematical Logic
Jon Barwise (Editor), 1977
Mathematical methods of game and economic theory
Jean-Pierre Aubin, 1982
Handbook of algebra
M. Hazewinkel, 2006
Handbook of algebra
Unknown Author, 2003
Handbook of algebra
M. Hazewinkel, 2008
Handbook of Algebra
M. Hazewinkel, 2009
Handbook of Algebra
M. Hazewinkel, 2009
Volitional Action: Conation and Control
Wayne A. Hershberger (Eds.), 1989
Volterra Stieltjes-Integral Equations
Leopoldo Nachbin (Eds.), 1975
Volterra Stieltjes-Integral Equations
Leopoldo Nachbin (Eds.), 1975
Wave Propagation in Elastic Solids
Jan Achenbach (Auth.), 1973
Wave Propagation in Layered Anisotropic Media with Applications to Composites
Adnan H. Nayfeh, 1995
Wave propagation in layered anisotropic media: with applications to composites
Adnan H. Nayfeh, 1995
Weighted norm inequalities and related topics
Jose Garcia-Cuerva, 1985
Wide-Band-Gap Semiconductors
C.G. Van de Walle (Eds.), 1993
S.I. Adian, W.W. Boone, 1980
Word Problems: Decision Problems and the Burnside Problem in Group Theory
W.W. Boone, F.B. Cannonito, 1973
Work on Atomic Physics (1912–1917)
L. Rosenfeld, 1981
Новый русский лексикон: Русско-английский словарь с пояснениями
Бенюх О.П. (ред.), 2001