انتشارات North Holland Publ. Co.

Quantum Field Theory of Solids: An Introduction
Haken, Hermann P. J, 1976
Combinatorial Problems and Exercises
L. Lovász (Auth.), 1993
Artificial Intelligence V. Methodology, Systems, Applications
B. du Boulay, 1992
Handbook of Convex Geometry. Part A
Peter M. Gruber (Auth.), 1993
Handbook of Convex Geometry. Part B
Peter M. Gruber (Auth.), 1993
Readings in econometric theory and practice : a volume in honor of George Judge
George G Judge, 1992
Abstract set theory
Abraham A. Fraenkel, 1953
Inorganic Membranes for Separation and Reaction
H.P. Hsieh (Eds.), 1996
Quantum field theory in curved spacetime
Bryce S DeWitt, 1975
Diffraction and Imaging Techniques in Material Science. Electron Microscopy
S Amelinckx (Eds.), 1978
Damascius: lectures on Philebus wrongly attributed to Olympiodorus
Leendert Gerrit Westerink, 1959
Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics
Gilles Duranton, Vernon Henderson, William Strange (eds.), 2015
Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics, vol. 5A, Volume 5A
Gilles Duranton, Vernon Henderson, William Strange, 2015
Artificial neural networks and statistical pattern recognition: old and new connections
Ishwar K. Sethi, 1991
Advances in Graph Theory
B. Bollobás (Eds.), 1978
Advances in graph theory
Bela Bollobas, 1978
A universal instability of many-dimensional oscillator systems
B. V Chirikov, 1979