انتشارات North Holland Publishing Co

Spectral Transform and Solitons: Tools to Solve and Investigate Nonlinear Evolution Equations
Francesco Calogero, 1982
Introduction to Modern Mathematics
Helena Rasiowa (Auth.), 1973
Unified theory of nuclear models
G.E.Brown, 1964
Modern General Topology
Jun-Iti Nagata, N. G. De Bruijn, J. De Groot, 1974
National Trade Policies
D Salvatore, 1992
Introduction to spectral theory in Hilbert space
Gilbert Helmberg, 1969
The Political Economy of Social Security
S.I. Adian, W.W. Boone, 1980
Recursive Number Theory: A Development of Recursive Arithmetic in a Logic-Free Equation Calculus
Reuben Louis Goodstein, 1957
Path integrals in quantum theory. An outlook of basic concepts
M. S. Marinov, 1980
Ordinal Algebras
Alfred Tarski with appendices by C.-C. Chang, 1956
Fundamental problems in statistical mechanics
E G D Cohen, 1962
Foundations of Set Theory Second Revised Edition
A.A. Fraenkel, 1973
The Foundations of Intuitionistic Mathematics: Especially In Relation to Recursive Functions
Stephen Cole Kleene, 1965
Foundational Studies, Selected Works Vol I
Andrzej Mostowski, 1979
Lincos, Part I
Dr. Hans Freudenthal, 1960
The Axiomatic Method: With Special Reference to Geometry and Physics
Leon Henkin, 1959
Nomological Statements and Admissible Operations
Dislocations in Solids: Elastic Theory
F.R.N. Nabarro, 1979
Sets, Models and Recursion Theory (Logic Colloquium'65)
John N. Crossley (ed.), 1967
Equivalents of the Axiom of Choice
Herman Rubin, 1970
Use of Force · War and Neutrality Peace Treaties (A–M)
Rudolf Bernhardt (Auth.), 1982