انتشارات Nus Press And Hong Kong University Press

Mei Lan-Fang: The Life and Times of a Peking Actor
A. C. Scott / Mei Lan - Fang, 1971
Melancholy Drift: Marking Time in Chinese Cinema
Jean Ma, 2010
Merchants' Daughters: Women, Commerce, and Regional Culture in South China
Helen F. Siu, 2010
New Peace Country: Chinese Gazetteer of the Hong Kong Region
Peter Y.L. Ng, 1991
No Man an Island: The Cinema of Hou Hsiao-hsien
James Udden, 2009
Not the Slightest Chance: The Defence of Hong Kong, 1941
Tony Banham, 2006
One Country, Two International Legal Personalities: The Case of Hong Kong
Roda Mushkat, 1997
Open Secret
Wei Wu Wei, 1991
Peter Ho-Sun Chan's He's a Woman, She's a Man
Lisa Stokes, 2009
The Civil Service in Hong Kong: Continuity and Change
Ahmed Huque, 1998
The Construction of Racial Identities in China and Japan
Frank Dikötter, 1997
The Dynamics of Beijing-Hong Kong Relations: A Model for Taiwan?
Sonny Shiu-Hing Lo, 2010
The Dynamics of Social Movement in Hong Kong
Stephen Chiu, 2000
The Hong Kong Ballet
Wang Siu, 2003
The Hong Kong School Curriculum: Development, Issues and Policies
Paul Morris, 1996
The New Legal Order in Hong Kong
Raymond Wacks, 1999
The Public Sector in Hong Kong
Ian Scott, 2010