انتشارات Ohio University Press

Wave motion in elastic solids
Karl F Graff, 1975
Vox populi: Popular opinion and violence in the religious controversies of the fifth century A.D
Timothy E Gregory, 1979
Who Intervenes? Ethnic Conflict and Interstate Crisis
David Carment, 2006
Women and Prenatal Testing: Facing the Challenges of Genetic Technology
Karen H. Rothenberg, 1994
Neither Separate Nor Equal: Congress In The 1790S (Perspective History Of Congres)
Kenneth R. Bowling, 2000
Nigerian Video Films
Jonathan Haynes, 2000
Paris on the Potomac: The French Influence on the Architecture and Art of Washington, D.C.
Cynthia R. Field, 2007
Popular Eugenics: National Efficiency and American Mass Culture in the 1930s
Susan Currell, 2006
Populist Seduction In Latin America: The Ecuadorian Experience (Ohio RIS Latin America Series)
Carlos De La Torre, 2000
Prophetic politics : Emmanuel Levinas and the sanctification of suffering
Lévinas, Emmanuel, 2009
Race, Resistance and the Boy Scout Movement In British Colonial Africa
Timothy H. Parsons, 2004
Reading for Health: Medical Narratives and the Nineteenth-Century Novel
Erika Wright, 2016
Reading Victorian Deafness: Signs and Sounds in Victorian Literature and Culture
Jennifer Esmail, 2013
Revisiting U.S. Trade Policy: Decisions In Perspective
Alfred E. Eckes, 2000
West of the Border: The Multicultural Literature of the Western American Frontiers
Noreen Groover Lape, 2000
How to Make a Human: Animals and Violence in the Middle Ages
Karl Steel, 2011
Victorian Freaks The Social Context of Freakery in Britain
Ph.D. Marlene Tromp (Editor), 2008