انتشارات Orca Book Publishers

From Mine to Microscope
Shortland, Andrew J.;Freestone, Ian;Rehren, Thilo; (editor), 2009
Movement, Exchange and Identity in Europe in the 2nd and 1st Millennia BC
Lehoërff, Anne,Talon, Marc, 2017
The Mediterranean From 50,000 to 25,000 BP. Turning Points and New Directions
Carolyn Szmidt;Marta Camps; (editor), 2009
Flag Fen, Peterborough
Francis Pryor;Michael Bamforth; (editor), 2010
Bodies of Clay
Heiner Schwarzberg,Valeska Becker; Valeska Becker, 2017
Body Parts and Bodies Whole
Hughes, Jessica.;Srensen, Marie Louise Stig.;Rebay-Salisbury, Katharina.; (editor), 2010
Material Mnemonics
Lillios, Katina T.;Tsamis, Vasileios.; (editor), 2010
The Politics of Language Contact in the Himalaya
Selma K. Sonntag and Mark Turin, 2019
Simplified Signs: A Manual Sign-Communication System for Special Populations
John D. Bonvillian, Nicole Kissane Lee, Tracy T. Dooley, 2020
From Goethe to Gundolf: Essays on German Literature and Culture
Roger Paulin, 2021
On the Literature and Thought of the German Classical Era: Collected Essays
Hugh Barr Nisbet, 2021
Diversity and Rabbinization: Jewish Texts and Societies between 400 and 1000 CE
Gavin McDowell, Ron Naiweld, Daniel Stökl Ben Ezra, 2021
New Perspectives in Biblical and Rabbinic Hebrew
Aaron D. Hornkohl and Geoffrey Khan, 2021
Middlemarch: Epigraphs and Mirrors
Adam Roberts, 2021
Romanticism and Time: Literary Temporalities
Sophie Laniel, Musitelli and Céline Sabiron, 2021
What is Authorial Philology?
Paola Italia, Giulia Raboni et al, 2021
Jane Austen: Reflections of a Reader
Nora Bartlett, Jane Stabler, 2021
'The Philosophes' by Charles Palissot
Jessica Goodman, 2021
Studies in the Grammar and Lexicon of Neo-Aramaic
Geoffrey Khan and Paul M. Noorlander, 2021