انتشارات Oxbow Books, Limited

Parts And Wholes: Fragmentation in Prehistoric Context
John Chapman, 2007
Unsettling the Neolithic
Douglas Bailey, 2005
Transforming the Landscape: Rock Art and the Mississippean Cosmos
Carol Diaz-Granados; Jan Simek; George Sabo; Mark Wagner, 2017
Ancient Textiles: Production, Crafts, and Society
Marie-Louise B. Nosch, 2007
Dakhleh Oasis and the Western Desert of Egypt under the Ptolemies
James C. R. Gill, 2016
A City from the Dawn of History: Erbil in the Cuneiform Sources
John Macginnis, 2014
A City from the Dawn of History: Erbil in the Cuneiform Sources
John MacGinnis, 2014
Life and Death in Asia Minor in Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine Times: Studies in Archaeology and Bioarchaeology
J. Rasmus Brandt, Erika Hagelberg, Gro Bjørnstad, Sven Ahrens (eds.), 2017
The Diversity of Hunter-Gatherer Pasts
Bill Finlayson; Graeme Warren, 2017
Exploring Celtic Origins: New ways forward in archaeology, linguistics, and genetics
Barry Cunliffe; John T. Koch, 2019
Rock Art Research in North and Central Asia 1995–1999 = Исследование наскального искусства в Северной и Центральной Америки в 1995-1999 гг.
Paul G. Bahn; Angelo Fossati, 2007
First Textiles: The Beginnings of Textile Production in Europe and the Mediterranean. Proceedings of the EAA Session Held in Istanbul (2014) and the ‘First Textiles’ Conference in Copenhagen (2015)
Małgorzata Siennicka; Lorenz Rahmstorf; Agata Ulanowska, 2018
Anderson, Benjamin; Rojas, Felipe;; Felipe Rojas, 2017
Prehistoric Pottery from Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt
Warfe, Ashton R.;, 2017
Not Just for Show
Bar-Yosef Mayer, Daniella; Bonsall, Clive; Choyke, Alice M., 2017
Public Archaeology and Climate Change
Dawson, Tom; Nimura, Courtney; López-Romero, Elías; Elías López-Romero; Courtney Nimura; Tom Dawson, 2017
Engaging with the Dead
Bradbury, Jennie; Scarre, Chris;; Chris Scarre, 2017
Jerusalem Throne Games
Feinman, Peter;, 2017
Stories from Ancient Greece and Rome
Tyldesley, Joyce; Heath, Julian;; Julian Heath, 2017
Flora Trade Between Egypt and Africa in Antiquity
Incordino, Ilaria; Creasman, Pearce Paul;, 2017
Empire State
Elliott, Simon;, 2017
Hildebrandt, Berit;, 2017
From Cooking Vessels to Cultural Practices in the Late Bronze Age Aegean
Hruby, Julie; Trusty, Debra;, 2017