انتشارات Oxbow Books

Textile Production and Consumption in the Ancient Near East: Archaeology, Epigraphy, Iconography
Marie-Louise Nosch, Henriette Koefoed, Eva Andersson Strand, 2013
The Age of Transition. The Archaeology of English Culture 1400-1600
David M. Gaimster and Paul Stamper, 1997
What the Victorians Threw Away
Tom Licence, 2015
Archaeology for the People: Joukowsky Institute Perspectives
John Cherry, Felipe Rojas, 2015
Focus on Fortifications: New Research on Fortifications in the Ancient Mediterranean and the Near East
Rune Frederiksen, Mike Schnelle, Silke Muth, Peter Schneider, 2016
Ancient Fortifications: A Compendium of Theory and Practice
Silke Muth, Peter Schneider , Mike Schnelle, Peter De Staebler, 2016
Old Kingdom, New Perspectives Egyptian Art and Archaeology 2750-2150 BC
Nigel Strudwick (Editor), Helen Strudwick (Editor), 2011
Colchester, Fortress of the War God: an Archaeological Assessment
David Radford, Adrian Gascoyne, Philip Wise, 2013
Ancient Mines and Quarries: A Trans-Atlantic Perspective
Adrian Burke, David Field, Margaret Brewer-LaPorta, 2010
Body Parts and Bodies Whole: Changing Relations and Meanings
Katharina Rebay-Salisbury, Marie Louise Stig Sørensen, Jessica Hughes, 2010
African Pottery Roulettes Past and Present: Techniques, Identification and Distribution
Anne Haour, K. Manning, N. Arazi, O. Gosselain, 2010
Childhood and Violence in the Western Tradition
Laurence Brockliss, Heather Montgomery, 2010
Material Mnemonics: Everyday Memory in Prehistoric Europe
Katina T. Lillios, Vasileios Tsamis, 2010
Stone Axe Studies III
Vin Davis, Mark Edmonds, 2011
Becoming Neanderthals: The Earlier British Middle Palaeolithic
Rebecca Scott, 2011
Submerged Prehistory
Jonathan Benjamin, Clive Bonsall, Catriona Pickard, Anders Fischer, 2011
Deliciae Fictiles IV: Architectural Terracottas in Ancient Italy. Images of Gods, Monsters and Heroes
Patricia S. Lulof, Carlo Rescigno, 2011
Archaeology and the Homeric Epic
Susan Sherratt, 2016
Bronze Age Settlements in the Low Countries
Harry Fokkens, 2008