انتشارات Oxford: At The Clarendon Press

Armour Weapons
Charles Ffoulkes, 1909
Neutron Transport Theory
B.; J. B. Sykes Davison, 1957
Anatomy Of The Dicotyledons Vol I
C. R. Metcalfe, L. Chalk, 1957
Mathematical models
HMartyn Cundy, 1961
The early Stuarts, 1603-1660
Godfrey Davies, 1937
Necrocorinthia: A Study of Corinthian Art in the Archaic Period
Humfry Payne, 1931
A Critique of Monetary Policy
Dow, J. C. R., 1990
Electronic processes in ionic crystals
N. F. And R. W. Gurney Mott, 1946
Quantum Field Theory and Critical Phenomena (Fourth Edition, 2002)
Jean Zinn-Justin, 2002
Electronic and Ionic Impact Phenomena I
Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, 1969
LOT 2: The Language of Thought Revisited
Jerry A. Fodor, 2008
Dynamical theory of crystal lattices
Max Born, 1954
A grammar of the Bemba language as spoken in northeast Rhodesia
by Rev. Father Schoeffer. Ed. by J.H. West Sheane, 1907
A grammar of the Bemba language as spoken in northeast Rhodesia
Schoeffer., 1907
Wave Mechanics and Its Applications
N.F. Mott, 1948
Wave theory of aberrations
Harold Horace Hopkins, 1950
Wandering Significance: An Essay on Conceptual Behaviour
Mark Wilson, 2006
Visual Complex Analysis
Tristan Needham, 1999
Visual Complex Analysis
Tristan Needham, 1997
Truth, etc.: six lectures on ancient logic
Jonathan Barnes, 2007
Theory of Electric and Magnetic Susceptibilities
J. H. Van Vleck, 1932
The witch-cult in western Europe; a study in anthropology
Margaret Alice Murray, 1921