انتشارات Oxford

Fractals and Chaos Simplified for the Life Sciences
L. Liebovitch, 1998
Fractals and Chaos Simplified for the Life Sciences
Larry S. Liebovitch, 1998
Fractals and Chaos Simplified for the Life Sciences
Larry B. Liebovitch, 1988
From cosmos to chaos: the science of unpredictability
Peter Coles, 2006
From nonlinearity to coherence
J. M. Dixon, J. A. Tuszy'nski, P. A. Clarkson, 1997
Hamiltonian chaos and fractional dynamics
George M. Zaslavsky, 2005
Hamiltonian Chaos and Fractional Dynamics
George M. Zaslavsky, 2005
Hamiltonian chaos and fractional dynamics
George M. Zaslavsky, 2005
Climate Variability and the Global Harvest: Impacts of El Nino and Other Oscillations on Agro-Ecosystems
Cynthia Rosenzweig, Daniel Hillel, 2008
Electronic and Optical Properties of Conjugated Polymers
William Barford, 2009
Electronic and Optical Properties of Conjugated Polymers
William Barford, 2005
Atmosphere-ocean interaction
Eric B. Kraus, Joost A. Businger, 1994
Atmospheric boundary layer flows: their structure and measurement
J. C. Kaimal, J. J. Finnigan, 1994
Atmospheric Boundary Layer Flows: Their Structure and Measurement
J. C. Kaimal, J. J. Finnigan, 1994
Atmospheric Boundary Layer Flows: Their Structure and Measurement
J. C. Kaimal, 1994
Atmospheric convection
Kerry A. Emanuel, 1994
Atmospheric Justice: A Political Theory of Climate Change
Steve Vanderheiden, 2008
Atmospheric Radiation: Theoretical Basis
R. M. Goody, Y. L. Yung, 1995
Atmospheric Turbulence: A molecular dynamics Perspective
Adrian Tuck, 2008
Mechanisms of atmospheric oxidation of the alkanes
Jack G Calvert, Richard G Derwent, John J Orlando, Geoffrey S Tyndall, Timothy J Wallington, 2008
Photochemistry of Planetary Atmospheres
Yuk L. Yung, William B. DeMore, 1998
Tropical Forests and Global Atmospheric Change
Yadvinder Malhi, Oliver Phillips, 2005
Molecular Quantum Mechanics, 4th Edition
Peter Atkins Ronald Friedman, 2005