انتشارات Oxford Univ Pr (txt)

Analog Communication and Modern Digital Systems
B. P. Lathi, 1998
Linear Systems and Signals
B. P. Lathi, 2004
Linear systems and signals
B P Lathi, 2005
Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems
Lathi, 2009
Principles Of Linear Systems And Signals
B.P. Lathi, 2009
Signal Processing and Linear Systems
B. P. Lathi, 2000
Signal Processing and Linear Systems
B. P. Lathi, 2000
Signal Processing and Linear Systems
B. P. Lathi, 2000
Signal Processing Linear Systems
B. P. Lathi, 2000
Solution Manual for Signal Processing and Linear Systems
Bhagwandas P. Lathi, 1998
Modality (Oxford Surveys in Semantics and Pragmatics)
Paul Portner, 2009
Women's Realities, Women's Choices: An Introduction to Women's Studies
Hunter College Women"s Studies Collective, 2005
The Oxford History of Historical Writing: Volume 3: 1400-1800
Jose Rabasa, 2012
Analytical Chemistry
Higson, S&, 2004
Beauty Imagined: A History of the Global Beauty Business
Geoffrey Jones, 2010
Branding the Nation: The Global Business of National Identity
Melissa Aronczyk, 2013
Disjunctivism: Oxford Bibliographies Online Research Guide
Berit Brogaard, 2010
On Romantic Love: Simple Truths about a Complex Emotion
Berit Brogaard, 2015
Homo Mysterious Evolutionary Puzzles of Human Nature
David P. Barash, 2012