انتشارات Oxford University Press Inc, Usa

Essentials of Dental Caries: The Disease and Its Management
Edwina A. M. Kidd, 2005
Excitatory Amino Acid Transmission in Health and Disease
Robert Balazs, Richard J. Bridges, Carl W. Cotman, Cheryl A. Cotman, 2005
Epidemiologic Analysis: A Case-Oriented Approach
Steve Selvin, 2001
Epidemiologic Principles and Food Safety
Tamar Lasky, 2007
Epidemiology: A Very Short Introduction
Rodolfo Saracci, 2010
Human Genome Epidemiology, 2nd Edition: Building the evidence for using genetic information to improve health and prevent disease
Muin Khoury, Sara Bedrosian, Marta Gwinn, Julian Higgins, John Ioannidis, Julian Little, 2010
Statistical Methods in Genetic Epidemiology
Duncan C. Thomas, 2004
Immunodiagnostics: A Practical Approach
R. Edwards, 2000
Immunodiagnostics: A Practical Approach
R. Edwards, 2000
Affective Neuroscience, the Foundations of Human and Animal Emotions
Jaak Panksepp, 1998
Brain Architecture. Understanding the Basic Plan
Larry W. Swanson, 2002
Brain Landscape The Coexistence of Neuroscience and Architecture
John P. Eberhard, 2008
Catastrophic Neurologic Disorders in the Emergency Department
Eelco F.M. Wijdicks, 2004
Conversations about Consciousness
Susan Blackmore, 2007
Creating Modern Neuroscience: The Revolutionary 1950s
Gordon M. Shepherd MDDPhil, 2009
Explaining the Brain: Mechanisms and the Mosaic Unity of Neuroscience
Carl F. Craver, 2007
Feelings. The Perception of Self
James D. Laird, 2007
Free Will and Consciousness: How Might They Work?
Roy Baumeister, Alfred Mele, Kathleen Vohs, 2010
Free will: a very short introduction
Thomas Pink, 2004
Cancer Biology
Raymond W. Ruddon M.D., 2007
Bailey and Love's Short Practice of Surgery
Norman S Williams, Christopher J.K. Bulstrode, P Ronan O'Connell, 2008
Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
David Greenwood, Roger Finch, Peter Davey, Mark Wilcox, 2007