انتشارات P. Peregrinus On Behalf Of The Institution Of Elec

A history of control engineering, 1930-1955
Bennett, Stuart, 1993
A history of the world semiconductor industry
Morris, Peter Robin, 1990
Advanced signal processing
Creasey, David J, 1985
Propagation of short radio waves
Kerr, Donald E, 1987
Algorithmic and knowledge based CAD for VLSI
Taylor, Gaynor E.; Russell, Gordon, 1992
Geometrical theory of diffraction for electromagnetic waves
James, Graeme L, 1986
Aperture antennas and diffraction theory
Jull, 1981
Corrugated horns for microwave antennas
Olver, A. David, 1984
Design of modern control systems
Bell, David John, 1982
Switched-currents : an analogue technique for digital technology
Hughes, John B., 1993
Implementation of self-tuning controllers
Kevin Warwick, 1988
Ferrites at microwave frequencies
Baden Fuller, 1987
Applied control theory
Leigh, 1987
Continuous time controller design
Balasubramanian, 1989
Deterministic control of uncertain systems
Zinober, 1990
Electricity distribution network design
Lakervi, Erkki, 1995
Electrodynamic theory of superconductors
Zhou, 1991
Essentials of nonlinear control theory
Leigh, 1983
Spherical near-field antenna measurements
Hansen, 1988
Handbook of microstrip antennas
James, James R., 1989
Statistical techniques for high-voltage engineering
Hauschild, Wolfgang, 1992
Radio direction finding and superresolution
Gething, 1991
Spread spectrum in communication
Skaug, Reidar, 1985