انتشارات Palgrave

Human-Computer Interface Design
Alistair Sutcliffe (auth.), 1988
Excise Taxation and the Origins of Public Debt
D’Maris Coffman (auth.), 2013
21st Century Perspectives on Music, Technology, and Culture: Listening Spaces
Richard Purcell, Richard Randall (eds.), 2016
Retail Security and Loss Prevention
Read Hayes PhD, CPP (auth.), 2007
A History of Lung Cancer: The Recalcitrant Disease
Carsten Timmermann (auth.), 2014
Casting Faiths: Imperialism and the Transformation of Religion in East and Southeast Asia
Thomas David DuBois (eds.), 2009
Abolition and Empire in Sierra Leone and Liberia
Bronwen Everill (auth.), 2013
Asian Empire and British Knowledge: China and the Networks of British Imperial Expansion
Ulrike Hillemann (auth.), 2009
Atlantic Ports and the First Globalisation, c. 1850–1930
Miguel Suárez Bosa (eds.), 2014
Autobiography, Travel and Postnational Identity: Gandhi, Nehru and Iqbal
Javed Majeed (auth.), 2007
Ayurveda Made Modern: Political Histories of Indigenous Medicine in North India, 1900–1955
Rachel Berger (auth.), 2013
Background to the Anzus Pact: Policy-Makers, Strategy and Diplomacy, 1945–55
W. David McIntyre (auth.), 1995
Britain’s Imperial Century, 1815–1914: A Study of Empire and Expansion
Ronald Hyam (auth.), 2002
Chinese Labour in South Africa, 1902–10: Race, Violence, and Global Spectacle
Rachel K. Bright (auth.), 2013
Colonial Switzerland: Rethinking Colonialism from the Margins
Patricia Purtschert, Harald Fischer-Tiné (eds.), 2015
Commodities, Ports and Asian Maritime Trade Since 1750
Ulbe Bosma, Anthony Webster (eds.), 2015
Copper Empire: Mining and the Colonial State in Northern Rhodesia, c.1930–1964
L. J. Butler (auth.), 2007
Cosmopolitan Nationalism in the Victorian Empire: Ireland, India and the Politics of Alfred Webb
Jennifer Regan-Lefebvre (auth.), 2009
Cultural Politics of Hygiene in India, 1890–1940: Contagions of Feeling
Srirupa Prasad (auth.), 2015