انتشارات Pandora Pr

Fantoma reţelelor Aventurile celui mai căutat hacker din lume
Kevin Mitnick, 2011
Cand Dumnezeu devine idee
Emmanuel Levinas, 2001
L'initiation du mort chez les Hmong
Lemoine, 1983
Mothers of the Novel: 100 Good Women Writers Before Jane Austen
Dale Spender, 1986
Pandora's Box: The Ultimate Unseen Hand Behind the New World Order
Alex Christopher, 2007
The Psychiatrist who cured the Scientologist
Aaron David Gottfried, 2009
Mothers of the Novel
Dale Spender, 1988
The Richest Man in Babylon
George S. Clason, 2019
Pandora’s Box II : the Denver International Airport story
Alex Christopher, 1996
Women of Ideas: And What Men Have Done to Them
Dale Spender, 1982
There's Always Been a Women's Movement This Century
Dale Spender, 1983
The Feminist Companion to Mythology
Carolyne Larrington (ed.), 1992