انتشارات Paul Dry Books

American Political Scientist in Israel: From Athens to Jerusalem
Paul Eidelberg, 2010
Can Pakistan Survive?: The Death of a State
Tariq Ali, 1983
A Companion to Marx's Capital
David Harvey, 2013
A Companion to Marx's Capital: Volume 2
David Harvey, 2013
100 Cats Who Changed Civilization
Sam Stall, 2007
100 Cats Who Changed Civilization
Sam Stall, 2007
IELTS - The Complete Guide to Academic Reading
Phil Biggerton, 2012
Square Mile of Murder. Horrific Glasgow Killings
Jack House,Robert Jeffrey,Donald Findlay QC, 2002
The best American nonrequired reading 2014
Altschul, Andrew Foster; Becher, Cole; Brock-Broido, Lucie; Cranor, Jeffrey; Dargan, Kyle G.; Davis, Kathryn; Di Giovanni, Janine; Dickman, Matthew; El Rashidi, Yasmine; Fink, Joseph; Gabriel. Heller, ; Ganeshananthan, V. V.; Ghansah, Rachel Kaadzi; Grant, A. T.; Gumbiner, Daniel; Handler, Daniel; Johnson, Adam; Katz, Lally; Keane, Dan; Liebegott, Ali; Maner, Karen; Mogelson, Luke; Morgan, Maia; Nilsen, Anders; Oswald, Sylvan; Oz, Amos; Pierce, Thomas; Rich, Nathaniel; Ruykeyser, Rebecca; Sakuga, 2014
101 Things You Don't Know About Science and No One Else Does Either
James Trefil Physics Professor, 1997
101 Things You Don't Know About Science and No One Else Does Either
James Trefil Physics Professor, 1996
150 great Australian beers: your guide to craft beer and beyond
James Smith, 2014
Crude Interventions : the United States, oil and the new world (dis)order
Garry M Leech, 2006
Crude Interventions: The United States, Oil and the New World (Dis)Order
Garry Leech, 2006
Freedom Not Yet: Liberation and the Next World Order
Kenneth Surin, 2009
A Kiss from Maddalena
Christopher Castellani, 2003
A Kiss of Shadows
Laurell K. Hamilton, 2002
Handbook of quality control of dairy and meat products
Garg, Sudhi Ranjan; Jadhav, Vijay J., 2012
Design Like You Give A Damn: Architectural Responses To Humanitarian Crises
Kate Stohr, Cameron Sinclair, 2006