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Industrial Organisation: Competition, Strategy, Policy, 2nd Edition
John Lipczynski, John Wilson, John Goddard, 2005
Discrete-Time Control Systems (Pie)
Katsuhiko Ogata, 1994
Firms of Endearment: How World-Class Companies Profit from Passion and Purpose
Rajendra S. Sisodia, David B. Wolfe, Jagdish N. Sheth, 2007
Firms of Endearment: How World-Class Companies Profit from Passion and Purpose
Rajendra S. Sisodia, David B. Wolfe, Jagdish N. Sheth, 2007
Firms of endearment: how world-class companies profit from passion and purpose
Rajendra Sisodia, David B. Wolfe, Jagdish N. Sheth, 2007
Biological psychology
Toates F.M., 2011
Biological Psychology, 3rd Edition
F. M. Toates, 2011
Building Skills for the TOEFL iBt - Intermediate
John Beaumont
Carriage of goods by sea
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A First Course in Database Systems
J. Ullmann, et. al.,, 2008
Public speaking
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Public Speaking Handbook
Steven A. Beebe, Susan J. Beebe, 2012
Public Speaking Handbook (4th Edition)
Steven A. Beebe, Susan J. Beebe, 2012
jQuery : Simplifiez et enrichissez vos développements JavaScript
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Driving Career Results: How to Manage Self-Directed Employee Development
Linda Brenner, 2016
Economics: Principles in Action
O'Sullivan, Steven M. Sheffrin, 2002
Principles of Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology
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Algebra and Trigonometry
Judith A. Beecher, Judith A. Penna, Marvin L. Bittinger, 2011
Instructor’s Solutions Manual - Algebra and Trigonometry (4th Edition)
Robert F. Blitzer, 2009
Thinking in Enterprise Java.Rev1.1
Eckel B, 2003