انتشارات Pen State University Press

T.S. Eliot: The Making Of An American Poet, 1888-1922
James E. Miller Jr., 2005
America's Strategic Blunders: Intelligence Analysis and National Security Policy, 1936-1991
Willard C. Matthias, 2001
Discourses of Empire: Counter-Epic Literature in Early Modern Spain
Barbara Simerka, 2003
Conceiving a Nation: The Development of Political Discourse in the Hebrew Bible
Mira Morgenstern, 2009
Together At The Table: Sustainability And Sustenance In The American Agrifood System
Patricia Allen, 2004
Forbidden Rites: A Necromancer's Manual of the Fifteenth Century (Magic in History)
Richard Kieckhefer, 1998
Power from Experience: Urban Popular Movements in Late Twentieth-Century Mexico
Paul Lawrence Haber, 2006
Art and the religious image in El Greco's Italy
Greco, 2014
The labyrinth of the comic : theory and practice from Fielding to Freud
Richard Keller Simon, 1985
Nieuw Pfalz, Volume 1 : The Burial
Appelbaum, 2010
Literary Modernism and Beyond: The Extended Vision and the Realms of the Text
Richard Lehan, 2012
Parapsychology, philosophy, and spirituality : a postmodern exploration
David Ray Griffin, 1997
Legacy of Night, the Literary Universe of Elie Wiesel
Ellen S. Fine, 1982
Between Worlds: The Life and Thought of Rabbi David Ben Judah Messer Leon
Hava Tirosh-Rothschild, 1991
Alchemist of the avant-garde : the case of Marcel Duchamp
Duchamp, Marcel; Moffitt, John Francis; Duchamp, Marcel, 2003
Alchemist of the Avant-Garde: The Case of Marcel Duchamp
John F. Moffitt, 2003
Alchemist of the Avant-Garde: The Case of Marcel Duchamp
John F. Moffitt, 2003
Humans, Animals, Machines: Blurring Boundaries
Glen A. Mazis, 2008
Containing coexistence: America, Russia, and the ''Finnish Solution''
Jussi M. Hanhimäki, 1997
Swedish Mentality
Åke Daun, 1995