انتشارات Pennsylvania State Univ Pr (trd)

Uncanny Bodies: Superhero Comics and Disability
Scott T. Smith and Jose Alaniz, 2019
The Purest of Bastards: Works of Mourning, Art, and Affirmation in the Thought of Jacques Derrida
David Farrell Krell, 2000
Feminist Interpretations of Plato
Nancy Tuana, 1994
Textuality and Knowledge: Essays
Peter Shillingsburg, 2017
Textuality and Knowledge: Essays
Peter Shillingsburg, 2017
Deep Knowledge: Ways of Knowing in Sufism and Ifa, Two West African Intellectual Traditions
Oludamini Ogunnaike, 2020
Rabies in the Streets: Interspecies Camaraderie in Urban India
Deborah Nadal, 2020
The Evolution of Taste in American Collecting
Rene Brimo, Kenneth Haltman, 2016
Foucault and the Critique of Institutions
John Caputo and Mark Yount, 1993
A Characterization of the Roman Poetic Onomasticon
Donald Carl Swanson, 1970
An Interpretive Guide to Operatic Arias: A Handbook for Singers, Coaches, Teachers, and Students
Martial Singher; Eta Singher, 2003
Reconstructing political theory : feminist perspectives
Uma Narayan; Mary Lyndon Shanley, 1997
Anthropocene Reading : Literary History in Geologic Times
Tobias Menely; Jesse Oak Taylor, 2017
Aging across the United States : Matching needs to states' differing opportunities and services
Charles Lockhart; Jean Giles-Sims, 2011
The Objects That Remain
Laura Levitt, 2020
Feminist Interpretations of Soren Kierkegaard
Celine Leon, Sylvia Walsh, 1997
An Empire of Print: The New York Publishing Trade in the Early American Republic
Steven Carl Smith, 2017
The Wilderness Itineraries : Genre, Geography, and the Growth of Torah
Angela Roskop, 2011
God's willing knowledge: the influence of Scotus' analysis of omniscience
Douglas C. Langston, 1986
Motion, Voice, and Mood in the Semitic Verb
Henning Ambjrn Sjrs;, 2022