انتشارات Pennsylvania State Univ Pr

A Short History of Russia's First Civil War: The Time of Troubles to the Founding of the Romanov Dynasty
Chester S. L. Dunning, 2004
Chinese Christians in America: Conversion, Assimilation, and Adhesive Identities
Fenggang Yang, 1999
Argentina's Radical Party and Popular Mobilization, 1916-1930
Joel Horowitz, 2008
Art of Empire: Painting and Architecture of the Byzantine Periphery : A Comparative Study of Four Provinces
Annabel Jane Wharton, 1988
Battling Demons: Witchcraft, Heresy, and Reform in the Late Middle Ages
Michael D. Bailey, 2002
Battling Demons: Witchcraft, Heresy, and Reform in the Late Middle Ages (Magic in History)
Michael D. Bailey, 2002
Battling Demons: Witchcraft, Heresy, and Reform in the Late Middle Ages (Magic in History)
Michael D. Bailey, 2002
What Things Do: Philosophical Reflections On Technology, Agency, And Design
Peter-Paul Verbeek, 2005
Conrad II, 990-1039: Emperor of Three Kingdoms
Herwig Wolfram, 2006
Conrad II, 990-1039: Emperor of Three Kingdoms
Herwig Wolfram, 2006
Heidegger and Ontological Difference
L. M. Vail, 1972
The Engineering Project: Its Nature, Ethics, and Promise
Gene Moriarty, 2008
Feminism Confronts Technology
Judy Wajcman, 1991
Five Chapters on Rhetoric: Character, Action, Things, Nothing, and Art
Michael S. Kochin, 2009
Frail Happiness: An Essay on Rousseau
Tzvetan Todorov, 2001
Income Inequality in Capitalist Democracies: The Interplay of Values and Institutions
Vicki L. Birchfield, 2009
Languages Of Power In The Age Of Richard II
Lynn Staley, 2004
Legal Argumentation and Evidence
Douglas N. Walton, 2002